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How to do Abs workout?
You must be clear that these exercises as Abs workout will help you tone your core but not eliminate localized fat.
If you want to mark Abs workout, you should also reduce your body weight with specific training to burn fat and lose weight.
Here are the 11 abdominal exercises recommended by our DiR technicians.
Lying on the ground completely, without separating the legs from the earth and making force with the abdomen.
It is necessary to get up until reaching 90º with the legs. The position of the arms is free.
Functions of the Abs workout
The abs workout, abdominals fulfill several functions, which explains more fully below:
1. Abs workout Help improve body posture
- The function of these involved muscles is to stabilize the joints found in the spine.
- It is also possible to improve the movements of the extremities and the torso.
- Therefore, it is necessary to work the abdominals to keep the body straight and improve posture.
2. They help fight to sag
- Sagging in the abdominal area occurs due to fat accumulation, which is generated mainly due to an inappropriate diet full of calories.
- However, it can also come from different metabolic problems or by advancing age.
- You can perform three sets in each exercise, and in those that are isometric (static).
Guidelines to Abs workout
You can do these sessions of between 30 and 50 seconds each.
1. Sit Up
- Lying on the ground completely, without separating the legs from the earth and making force with the abdomen.
- It is necessary to get up until reaching 90º with the legs.
- The position of the arms is free.
2. Raised leg crunch
- With your legs raising approximately 90º, try to touch the balls of your feet with your hands.
3. Sit up with the med ball
- Same as the original sit-up but with the handicap of using heavy equipment, in this case, a medicine ball.
4. Leg raises Abs workout
- With the body completely lying straight on the floor and the lumbar area’s hands (preventing the curvature with this exercise’s performance), raise the legs fully stretched up to 90º.
- When you are going down, depending on your level, you can play or not in soil.
5. Inverted crunch
- Only the back, the arms, and the upper part of the coccyx touch the ground.
- Using force with the abdomen, separate the lower part of the end from the floor and return to the starting position.
6. Lower Plank with Glidings Abs workout
- Facedown with your arms outstretched and your hands resting on the floor, place your feet on the gliding.
- The movement begins with your legs fully stretches and your knees close to your chest.
7. The bike Abs workout
- Firstly, do on your back with your hands on the back of your neck and your legs raising.
- Secondly, bring your elbows to touch the opposite leg’s knee, return to the starting position, and repeat the movement in reverse.
8. Obliques using a foam
- Firstly, place it with the coccyx and hands as the only surface in contact with the ground.
- Secondly, it stretches the body and flexes it, passing through one side of the foam each time.
9. Iron with fit-ball
- Meanwhile, be in an abdominal plank position with the particularity of placing the forearms on the fit-ball.
- Pass the football from the legs to the arms.
- Do sit-ups with the ball, and the leg raises.
- Then the particularity of passing the ball from the legs to the arms and vice versa.
10. Isometric crunch
- Therefore, elbows and knees supported a fit ball, trying to make the maximum possible force during the entire time.