What is Cryptocurrency?
A cryptocurrency, crypto or coin is a digital currency intended to serve as a medium of exchange.
However, it is done through a computer network, not depending on a central authority, a government or a bank, to run or maintain it.
Firstly, ownership records for individual coins are stored in a digital ledger.
Secondly, it is a computerized database that uses strong cryptography to protect transaction records.
And also, it controls the creation of additional coins, and verify coin ownership transfers.
Despite their name, cryptocurrencies are not considered currencies in the traditional sense.
However, they have been treated differently.
Including classification as commodities, securities, and currencies.
Also, cryptocurrencies are generally considered a distinct asset class in practice.
Also, some crypto schemes use validators to manage the cryptocurrency.
However, in a proof-of-stake model, owners deposit their tokens as collateral.
Therefore, in exchange, they receive authority over the token in proportion to their stake.
Generally, these token players gain additional ownership of the token over time through network fees, re-minted tokens, or other similar reward mechanisms.
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